CUMULUS General Assembly



P&P CUMULUS, Lisbon 2005


Report List of Full-Papers Submitted and Deliberations of the Reviewers

Avaiable the Report List of Abstracts Submitted and Deliberations of the Reviewers


Full-Papers are to be sent to Send them as word or rtf -format.

Guidelines for the Submission of Full-Paper

In the first instance the paper should NOT be longer than 3000 words and MAX. 8 illustrations. The illustrations should be in jpeg format (rastered as well as vector files). Finally, it is important that the grammar and spelling of your paper is correct. If English is not your first language, please have a native English speaking colleague (not from Texas) check your paper for you.
Each entry should incorporate the following information sequentially:

• reefer always to your abstract number
• title of the paper
• author(s)'full name(s), - affiliation - e-mail
• a brief abstract and five keywords

please use only word format (windows)

• no files larger than 2MB
• do not exceed 3000 words
• no uppercase style, no colored style
• no embedded macros
• we recommend to use auto footnoting
• the style of bibliographic citation and reference should follow agreed standards and must provide the complete information that permits a reader to find the item cited

deadline: 31th of January

The review committee will make the final election of papers
after having evaluated full papers.


The deadline for submitting an abstract is 1st November 2004. Abstracts are to be sent to Send them as word or rtf -format.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstract

Proposals will be selected by the Scientific Committee as widely as possible to cover different areas, methods, approaches and positions. The length shouldn't be more than 300 words.

Each entry should incorporate the following information sequentially:

Author(s)'full name(s), - Institution - Address for correspondence - Telephone - Fax - E-mail - Title of the paper - Abstract of the paper.

The review committee will give feedback to accepted abstracts both on
content and presentation form to ensure an interesting and engaging

[ Poster Call for Abstracts - PDF 712Kb ]


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