2009 IADE Conference

40 IADE 40

from 1969 to 2049


1,2,3 October 2009

and Doctoral Tactics Workshop

30 September 2009

To participate in 40IADE40 research conference consider one, two or even the three following ways:

Participation guidelines:

1. Nominal

2. By Abstract

3. By Full Paper

4. Book

5. Doctoral Tactics Workshop 30 September 2009


In an email to, send us your name; affiliation; email and home address; plus a 50 word biography that mentions what your research interests are; a provisional title of your presentation; five key-words and a short abstract up to 100 words.

. The organizing committee will evaluate your proposal.
. If you register for the Conference and your contribution is accepted, , we will publish the above information in the proceedings book.

Note: The number of nominal proposals to be accepted is conditioned by the number of submissions by abstract and by full paper accepted. However, if necessary, we have reserved a minimum of 6 presentations for this section if necessary.

Deadline to remember: 23 December 2008

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2.By Abstract.

In an email to send us your name; affiliation; email and home address; plus a 50 word biography that mentions what your research interests are and a provisional title of your presentation.
In addition to this email, you must attach an MSWord document with the following requirements: the title of your paper; five key-words; and an abstract up to 500 words, with no indication of your name or other authors.

. Your abstract will be posted on the Conference's website for peer-review evaluation.
If you register for the Conference and your contribution is accepted, we will publish the above information in the proceedings book.

Note: Anyone who submits a paper may rate and/or comment on your abstract in a visible platform provided exclusively for all participants, the Scientific Committee, as well as the Conference's organizers.
The Content Manager will moderate the comments.
Although the contributions are visible to anyone who visits the site, the evaluation is nevertheless double-blinded by peers who too have submitted papers.

If you choose to submit a proposal in this form, you will receive instructions on how to do it.

Note: The number of abstract proposals, to be accepted, is conditioned by the number of accepted full paper submissions. However, if necessary, we have reserved a minimum of 14 presentations for this section.

Deadline to remember: 23 December 2008

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3.By Full Paper.

In an email to, send us your name; affiliation; email and home address; plus a 50 word biography that mentions your research interests are and a provisional title of your presentation.
In addition to this email, you must attach an MSWord document with the following requirements: the title of your paper; five key-words; an abstract up to 500 words, with no indication of your name or other authors; a reference to the academic style in which your paper was written in; and a full paper up to 5000 words, once again, with no indication of its author(s).
To complete the email, please attach a PDF document of the same text in which a maximum of 5 illustrations are integrated in the text (the illustrations are optional).

As mentioned above, your abstract will be posted on the Conference's website for peer-review evaluation.
Two members of the Scientific Committee will evaluate your full paper. If these members have any suggestions to make, we will ask them to write their comments on your MSWord paper and fill in a simple form for Content Management proceedings.
If both reviewers mark your paper as accepted without any revisions, your paper is accepted for publication and presentation.
If only one of the reviewers asks for revisions, you must only submit the revised version of your paper. That same reviewer will re-evaluate it. If both of the reviewers ask for revisions, you must choose which of the reviewers you want us to re-submit your revised paper to.
Your paper is not accepted for publication if a) both reviewers mark it as 'not accepted' in the first phase; b) if the revised version is not accepted.

If you register for the Conference and your contribution is accepted, we will publish the abstract and the full text (as well as the above information) in the proceedings book of the Conference.

If your paper is not accepted for full text publication but your abstract is, you can still present it at the Conference, as well as register for it. In this case, we will only publish the abstract, and the other information mentioned above, in the proceedings book of the Conference.

Accepted full papers have priority over nominal and abstracts propositions.

Deadline to remember: 23 December 2008.

Guest Chair for the Conference: Terence Love.

Key-Notes by Victor Margolin, Rachel Cooper and Fernando Carvalho Rodrigues.

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UNIDCOM/IADE will publish a book with a selection of 40 of the papers presented at the Conference. The authors and papers chosen for publication will be invited by the board of selection. The selected proposals will be kept secret until all invitations are concluded. The authors will then be asked to review and re-edit their papers to a maximum of 10 pages, including images.
The selection board will decide on which writing style to use and the formatting of the papers will done by UNIDCOM/IADE.

Authors are invited to participate in any of the three proposal submissions: nominal, abstract or full paper.

The book will be presented at the 2011 UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference.

Guest Editor: Clive Dilnot, Parsons New School for Design NY.

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Doctoral Tactics Workshop from the 28-30 September 2009

If you are a a “wannabe” doctoral student
If you are a doctoral student…
If you are a doctoral program professor…
If you are a doctoral supervisor or evaluator…
If your airfares are substantially reduced if you if you choose to stay for a week…

In an email to, send us your name; affiliation; email and home address; a 50 word biography that mentions the reason/s why you would like to participate in such a workshop, plus a provisional title of your presentation. In addition to this email, you must attach an MSWord document with the following requirements: the title of your presentation; five key-words; and an abstract up to 500 words, with no indication of your name or other authors

Guest Chair for the workshop: Christena Nippert-Eng, Illinois Institute of Technology; Chicago; and Tim Marshall, Dean, Parsons the New School for Design; New York.

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Deadline to remember: 23 December 2008