Proceedings Book
Pride & PreDesign - The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design
CUMULUS LISBON 2005 ISBN 972-98701-3-6 462 pp., paperback
Prices*: Portugal: 35,00 Euros Europe: 40,0 Euros Other Countries: 55,00 Euros * Include postal rates

CD-ROM Proceedings
Senses and Sensibility in Technology - Linking Tradition to Innovation through Design LISBON 2003 ISBN 972-98701-1-X include photo gallery
Prices*: Portugal: 15,00 Euros Europe: 17,50 Euros Other Countries: 25,00 Euros * Include postal rates
To order:
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Account Name: IADE BANK: BANCO BPI, SA Address: Largo do Chiado, nș 24 - 1200-000 LISBOA, PORTUGAL OUR Account Number: 6-4880846000004 IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 4880 8460 0049 4 SWIFT: BBPIPTPL Please mention: P&P+Name+Surname (when the transaction is made, P&P is the code for the finance services to know the payment is for this Book or CD)
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Payment by Bank Transfer: NIB: 0010 0000 4880 8460 00 494
Full Papers submissions: jaana.lantto@uiah.fi
secretariat, Jaana Lantto:jaana.lantto@uiah.fi
IADE-School of Design, local organizing committee
Catarina Lisboa:catarinalx@iade.pt