2006 Design Research Society
International Conference in Lisbon

WonderGround scientific committee

( alphabetic ) :: ( by country )


Jonathon Allen, Monash University
John Broadbent, University of Technology, Sydney
Jill Franz, Faculty of Built Environment & Engineering, Queensland University of Technology
Steve Harfield, University of Technology, Sydney
Terence Love, Curtin University
Kerry London, University of Newcastle
Vesna Popovic, Queensland University of Technology
Alun Price, Curtin University
Keith Russell, University of Newcastle
Sydney Newton, University of Western Sydney
Cal Swann, Curtin University
David Sless, Communication Research Institute of Australia
Norm Sheehan, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, University of Queensland
Cameron Tonkinwise, University of Technology Sidney
Denise Whitehouse, Swinburne University of Technology
Suzette Worden, Curtin University
Allan Whitfield, Swinburne University
Ellen M. Young, University of Western Sydney
Soumitri Varadarajan, Industrial Design, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University


Stefan Zinell, University of Applied Arts Vienna


Daniela Büchler University of Hertfordshire, UK, University of S. Paulo,
Mauro Claro, School of Art and Communication Mackenzie Presbiterian University São Paulo
Geraldo Souza Dias, University of São Paulo
João Lutz, UniverCidade Rio de Janeiro
Libia Patricia Peralta, CEFET - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Paraná
Maria Cecília Loschiavo dos Santos, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo, University of São Paulo


Ann Heylighen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Karel Van der Waarde, Van der Waarde Design Research


Tiiu Poldma, University of Montreal
François-Xavier Nsenga
Filippo Salustri, Ryerson University
Hans Samuelson, University of Montreal


Xin Li, Shandong University of Art and Design


Tina Kornig Andersen, Denmark Design School
Thomas Binder, Center for Design Research, Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Charles Breindahl, University of Copenhagen
Jacob Buur, University of Southern Denmark, Mads Clausen Institute
Ida Engholm, Centre of Research Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Philip de Langes Allé
Ken Friedman, Norwegian School of Management, Norway and Denmark Design School
Per Galle, Centre for Design Research, Denmark Design School
Soren Kjorup
Lise Vejse Klint, Denmark Design School
Tore Kristensen, Copenhagen Business School
Ben Matthews, Mads Clausen Institute for Product Innovation, University of Southern Denmark
Nicola Morelli, School of Architecture and Design, Aalborg University
Thomas Rasmussen, Denmark Design School
John Restrepo, Technical University of Denmark
Anders Ronnau, Ronnau Design
Karen Lisa Salamon, Denmark Design School


Ainamo Antti, SCANCOR, Stanford U.; U.S.A.; Helsinki Sch. of Econ, University of Art and Design
Katja Battarbee, University of Art and Design
Mirja Kalviainen, Kuopio Academy of Design
Toni Karjalainen, Helsinki University of Technology
Kari-Hans Kommonen, ARKI, Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki
Pekka Korvenmaa, School of Design, University of Art and Design Helsinki


Brigitte Borja de Mozota, Laboratoire CEROS, Université Paris X Nanterre
Francois Guena, École d'Architecture de Paris la Villette
Jacques Pochoy, Ecole Speciale d'Architecture
Francois Potonet, Ecole Speciale d'Architecture
Jean Schneider
Renato Saleri, École d' Architecture de Lyon


Bernard Buerdek, Hochschule für Gestaltung
Wolfgang Jonas, University of Kassel
Mateo Kries, Vitra Design Museum
Petra Badke-Schaub, Uni of Bamberg


Argyris Arnellos, University of the Aegean, Syros
Margaret Perivoliotis, Interior Design Department, TEI of Athens
Artemis Yagou, AKTO Art and Design

Hong Kong

Robert Curedale, US Operations, Product Solutions
Kin Wai Michael Siu, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Halldor Gislason, Iceland Academy of the Arts


Timothy Emlyn Jones, Burren College of Art


Iris Aravot, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Yaarah Bar-On, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Noemi Bitterman, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Ido Bruno, Bezalel Academy of Art & Design
Gabriela Goldschmidt, Technion
Nirith Nelson, The Jerusalem Center for the Visual Arts, The Jerusalem Foundation
Rivka Oxman, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion; Institute of Technology
Ezri Tarazi, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design


M P Ranjan, National Institute of Design


Roberto Casati, CNRS, Institut Jean-Nicod EHESS-ENS, Paris, France and Università IUAV, Venice
Luigi Corvaja, Architecture Faculty Ludovico Quaroni, University of Rome, La Sapienza
Vanni Pasca, Palermo University
Silvia Pizzocaro, Politecnico di Milano
Fatina Saikaly, Politecnico di Milano
Roberto Vigano', Politecnico di Milano


Noriko Yoshimura, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University


Kun-Pyo Lee, Department of Industrial Design, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


Abdallah Kahil, Lebanese American University
Zeina Maasri, America University of Beirut
Yasmine Taan, Lebanese American University


Oscar Salinas, National University of Mexico

New Zealand

Amanda Bill, Massey University
Nancy De Freitas, Auckland University of Technology
Stan Mauger, Whitecliff College of Arts & Design
Noel Waite, University of Otago
Leong Yap, Auckland University of Technology

N. Ireland

Conall O' Catháin, The Queen's University of Belfast


Marte Gulliksen, Telemark University College
Vigdis Holen, Oestfold University College
Birgit Jevnaker, Norwegian School of Management
Jan Michl, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway
Grete Refsum, Oslo National Academy of the Art
Dagne Stuedahl, University of Oslo
Brynjulf Tellefsen, Norwegian School of Management


Heitor Alvelos, Fine Arts Faculty, University of Oporto
Vasco Branco, University of Aveiro
Valter Cardim, IADE, Design School
Denis Alves Coelho, University of Beira Interior
Eduardo Côrte-Real, IADE, School of Design
Maria Teresa Cruz, Human& Social Sciences Faculty, CECL, New University of Lisbon, UNL
Ana Paula Duarte, CENDES, INETI
Carlos Duarte, IADE, School of Design
Maria João Durão, Faculdade de Arquitectura-UTL
Beatriz Gentil, Fine Arts Faculty, University of Porto
Martim Lapa, IADE, Design School, Portugal
Maria Clara Mendes, Faculdade de Arquitectura - UTL
João Miranda, IADE, School of Design
Helena Murteira, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
José Neves, Faculdade de Arquitectura - UTL
António Nunes Pereira, IADE, Design School
Susana Oliveira, Faculdade de Arquitectura-UTL
Paulo Partidário, INETI
Luís Pereira, DSR - Design Strategy & Research, Lisbon
Fátima Pombo, Universidade de Aveiro
Francisco Rebelo, Ergonomics Department of FMH - Technical University of Lisbon
Sílvia Rosado, IADE, School of Design
Jorge Spencer, Faculdade de Arquitectura-UTL
Miguel d'Abreu Varela, IADE Marketing and Advertising School


Karen Fu


Håkan Edeholt, Malmö University
Jonas Löwgren, Arts and Communication Malmo University
Jerker Lundequist, Royal Institute of Technology
Michael Ranta, University of Stockholm
Johan Redstroem, Reform Studio / interactive Institute
Kaja Tooming, Goteborg University
Peter Ullmark,Chalmers University of Technology
Bo Westerlund, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm and University of Kalmar

South Africa

Jurie Groenewald, Cape Technikon University


Anna Calvera, University of Barcelona
Sérgio Correa, Elisava Design School , Spain


Valentin Nussbaum, Friburg University
Hans Kaspar Hugentobler


Chih-Yuan Chang, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology
Kuohsiang Chen, National Cheng Kung University
Wen Huei Chou, Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology
Ming-Chyuan Ho, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology

The Netherlands

Stella Boess, Delft University
Anke Coumans, Utrecht School of the Arts
Kees Dorst, Eindhoven University of Technology
Henk Slager, Utrecht School of the Arts
Aukje Thomassen, Utrecht Research Institute for Digital Cultures, Utrecht School of the Arts, Faculty of Art, Media & Technology
Gerard de Zeeuw, University of Lincoln, UK, University of Amsterdam


Nigan Bayazit, Istanbul Technical University
Suzan Boztepe, Middle East Technical University
Alpay Er, Istanbul Technical University
Ozlem Er, Istanbul Technical University
Fatma Korkut, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Industrial Design
Aren Kurtgozu, Middle East Technical University
A. Can Ozcam, Izmir University of Economics, Dept. of Industrial Design
Oguzhan Ozcan, Yildiz Technical University, Department of Multimedia Design Necdet Teymur, University of Dundee, UK and Middle East Technical University


Linden Ball, Lancaster University
Michael Biggs, University of Hertfordshire
Douglas Burnham, Staffordshire University
Alan Bridges, University of Strathclyde
Richard Coyne, Edinburgh University
Nigel Cross, Open University
Linda Drew, Dean of Academic Development University of the Arts, London
David Durling, Design Research Society Chair, Middlesex University
James Fathers, University of Wales Institute
Stephen Gage, London's Global University
Steve Garner, Department of Design and Innovation, Faculty of Technology
Kristina Borjesson, Central Saint Martins College, University of the Arts, London
Stephen Boyd-Davis, Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, Middlesex University
Naomi Gornick, Brunel University
Ranulph Glanville, CybernEthics Research
Michael Hohl, Sheffield Hallam University School of Cultural Studies, Art & Design Research Centre
Cherie Lebbon, IDMR - Inclusive Design Management and Research
Rachael Luck, Department of Real Estate & Planning, University of Reading
Wellington Gomes de Medeiros, UFCG, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil / Staffordshire University
Kristina Niedderer, University of Hertfordshire
Marian Petre, Open University
Angela Piccini, University of Bristol
Mark Porter, Loughborough University
Howard Riley, School of Research & Postgraduate Studies, Dynevor Centre for Arts, Design & Media Swansea Institute, University of Wales
Seymour Roworth-Stokes, Surrey Institute of Art and Design
Chris Rust, Sheffield Hallam University
John Shackleton, Brunel University
Teal Triggs, University of the Arts London
Sue Walker, University of Reading
Andree Woodcock, Coventry Art and Design School
Robert Young, Northumbria University


Nancy Blossom, Washington State University
Richard Buchanan, President of the Design Research Society, Carnegie Mellon University
Charles Burnette, University of the Arts, Philadelphia
Dennis Doordan, University of Notre Dame
Frances Downing, Texas A&M University
Jacques Giard, Arizona State University
Judith Gregory, Faculty of Design, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology
Susan Hagan, Carnegie Mellon University
Sabine Junginger, Carnegie Mellon University
Lorraine Justice, Georgia Institute of Technology
Klaus Krippendorff, The Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Lubomir Popov, Bowling Green State University
Elizabeth Sanders, Ohio State University
Keiichi Sato, Illinois Institute of Technology
Ben Schneiderman, University of Maryland at College Park
Glenn Snelbecker, Temple University
Awoniyi Stephen, Texas State University
Erik Stolterman, Indiana University
Richard Taylor, University of California
Bruce M. Tharp, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Victor Margolin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Barbara Martinson, University of Minnesota
Sanjoy Mazumdar, University of California at Irvine
Deana McDonagh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Harold Nelson, Advanced Design Institute
Christena Nippert-Eng, Illinois Institute of Technology
Chi-Kang Peng, Illinois Institute of Technology
David Weightman, University of Illinois

Andreia Galvão,

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