6th UNIDCOM / IADE International Conference Provisional Programme
5th October 2011
Drawing Research Network Conference
LOCATION :: Tribunal da Boa Hora – Experimenta Lounging Space
08h00 :: Registration starts
09h00 :: Welcome ::
Eduardo Corte-Real
09h30 :: Parallel Workshops starts
Workshop #1 :: "Knowledge to Practice; Can new knowledge from cognitive psychology inform drawing pedagogy?"
Coordination: Michelle Fava
Workshop #2 :: "Natural Selection"
Coordination: Rachel Cohen
Workshop #3 :: "Take a line on the wild side", a guided tour through the heart of Lisbon. Coordination: Ana Iglésias
Workshop #4 :: "The Fast Picture Show", drawing experiences with the eye-tracker.
Coordination: Vítor Simões
Workshop #5 :: "Live is Life", drawing nude-models from observation.
Coordination: Rita Maia Moura
Carali McCall and Jane Grisewoond, Artists, London, UK
The Sense of Drawing: An Approach to Drawing, Marking and Experiencing
13h00 :: Lunch
14h00 :: Visioning and discussing the film: "Pelas Sombras" by Catarina Mourão
16h30 :: Coffee Break
16h45 :: Plenary session DRN ::
Deborah J. Harty, Simon Downs and Steve Garner
17h45 :: Break
18h00 :: Visual Documents about the Workshops and final discussion
16h30 :: Closing Cocktail
6th October 2011
UNIDCOM/IADE International Research Conference
Senses&Sensibility in the Right Place
LOCATION :: Experimenta Lounging Space, Antigo Tribunal da Boa Hora, Largo da Boa Hora, at Rua Nova do Almada, Chiado LISBOA
08h30 :: Registration Sarts
09h30 :: Plenary - ROOM A - Welcome
Carlos Sá | Carlos Duarte | Eduardo Côrte-Real
10h00 :: Plenary - ROOM A - Keynote Speaker
Clive Dilnot, Parsons New School for Design, New School University, NY, US
- On Becoming a Human Being (in part through design)
10h40 :: Coffee Break
11h00 :: Paralell Sessions
Principia - ROOM A
Galina Lola, St-Petersburg State University, Russia
- The <Narrative Cocoon> as a Model of Design Product
Beth Mosher, Rhode Island School of Design, US
- Exploring Ethical Issues of Mass- Production in Industrial Design through
Time-Based Medium
Helena Barbosa, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
- Around Design Principia: a study of 400 years of Portuguese Poster
Sara Velez, Universidade da Beira interior, Portugal
- Design and the Aestheticization of Scientific Knowledge

Sensitive Design 1 - ROOM B
Alison Burrows, Val Mitchell and Colette Nicolle, Loughborough Design School, UK
- All together now: Factors that Foster Older Adults' Feelings of Independence
Dina Riccò, Elena Caratti, Cibele Bustamante, Politecnico di Milano, INDACO
Department School of Design, Milan, Italy
- Synaesthetic Access to Visual Contents: Audio Description of Films for Visually
Impaired People
Social Change 1 - ROOM C
Brooke Chornyak, Virginia Commonwealth University/USA,
- Tools & Templates : The application of Umberto Eco 's Open Work in Design Practice
Salvatori Di Mauro, Queensland College of Art Griffith University Community
- Ownership
André Alves Campos, ESAD/IM
- Design and utopianism: a strategy of evolution against a future between brackets
Fernando Martins, IADE/EscolasArtes/UCP
- The Limit of the Deterritorialization of the Arts
13h00 :: Lunch
14h00 :: Paralell Sessions
Drawing 1 - ROOM A
Amanda Roberts & Howard Riley, Swansea Metropolitan University, UK
- Drawing, Gesture and Semiotics: An Exploration of the Semiotic Potential
of Gesture Drawing
Jac Saorsa, IADE, Portugal,
- An Ontological Exploration of Fine Art Drawing Practice and its Relevance
to Design Education
Ian McInnes, Heriot Watt University, UK
- Drawing as a precursor for innovation in knitted textile design and production in
the manufacturing industry
Emily Strange, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- The Diagram
Sensitive Design 2 - ROOM B
Theresa De Lobo, PhD UNIDCOM/IADE, Portugal
- Way finding Systems for Users with Visual Disabilities
Ana Correia de Barros, Carlos Duarte, José Bulas Cruz, UTAD - UNIDCOM/IADE, Portugal
- Complexity in Inclusive Design: Needs for Opportunities?
Denis A. Coelho, Ana S. Cunha e Silva, Carla S. M. Simão, Human Technology
Group, Dept. of Electromechanical Engineering, UBI, Portugal
- Design for Cultural Inclusion and Identification: A Transposition of Portuguese and
Lusophone Cultural Aspects to Furniture Design, Based on Product Personalities
Social Change 2 - ROOM C
Maria João Félix, Paula Tavares e Pedro Mota Teixeira, Esc. Sup. Tec./IPCA
- The Semantic and Cultural Aspects Related to Products
Carlos Barbosa, IADE/FA.UTL
- AVIEIRO BOAT: Its recovery as an anthropological reference and as a Sustainable
Development factor.
Ana Grácio, FA.UTL
- From Crafts to Design:Transpositions and Cooperations for the Contemporaneity
Cátia Rijo, IADE/FA.UTL
- The Site of Alcântara: Identity and Image
16h00 :: Coffee Break
16h15 :: Paralell Sessions
Drawing 2 - ROOM A
Carali McCall and Jane Grisewood, Artists, London, UK
- Drawn Together: An Approach to Drawing, Marking and Experiencing Time
Rachel Cohen, Artist, UK
- The Chinese whispers Generative Drawing Project
Julia Midgley, Liverpool School Art & Design, L.J.M.U, UK
- Reportage: from Atrocities of War to a Skateboarding Cockatoo
Social Change 3 - ROOM 3
Marco Neves, FA.UTL
- The printed object, but digital
Miguel Sanches,
- Colour translation
Rita Maia Moura,
- The Graphic Work of José Maria Lima de Freitas (1927/1998)
Theresa de Lobo, IADE
- Way finding Systems for Users with Visual Disabilities
18h15 :: End of day one
7th October 2011
UNIDCOM/IADE International Research Conference
Senses&Sensibility in the Right Place
LOCATION :: Experimenta Lounging Space, Antigo Tribunal da Boa Hora, Largo da Boa Hora, at Rua Nova do Almada, Chiado LISBOA
08h30 :: Registration continues
09h30 :: Plenary - ROOM A - Welcome day 2

10h00 :: Plenary - ROOM A - Keynote Speaker
Mário J. Miranda -
School of Economics and Finance,
Victoria University, Melbourne, AU
- The Artist and Scientist in Marketing – The Dyad that Creates Opportunities
to Experience
10h40 :: Coffee Break
11h00 :: Paralell Sessions
Drawing 3 - ROOM A
Tom McGuirk, University of Chester, UK
- Drawing as Thinking: What Situated Cognition Teaches Us about the Epistemic
Significance of Descriptive Drawing
Robin Schaeverbeke, sint-lucas school of architecture, Belgium
- Re-Thinking the Way we draw in a Digital reality
Izmer Ahmad & Caroline Bew, Universiti Sains, Malaysia & Kingston University, UK
- Gesture, mark making, drawing: the role of gesture in conditioning the
meaning of drawing
Marketing 1 - ROOM 2
11h - 11,30h
António Pimenta da Gama, IADE- Portugal
- Marketing Audits in the Turn of the Century: Perspectives and Insights
11,30h -12,00h
Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta, University of Burgos, Spain
María Pilar Martínez Ruiz, University of Castilla-la-Mancha, Spain
Ana Isabel Jiménez Zarco, Open University of Cataluny, Spain
Laura Merino Uzquiza, University of Burgos, Spain
- Assessing Changes in Consumer behaviour patterns in response to the crisis: The
Case of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industry
Luis Manuel Cerdá Suarez,
University Carlos III - Madrid and ETEA-Cordoba
University – Spain
- The Location of New Shopping Centres Using Geodemographics: A Strategic
Social Change 4 - ROOM C
Santa Kļaviņa, IADE/FAUTL
- Sustainable Makeover in Lisbon Downtown: Redesign Vacant Building into
Design Hotel
Eduardo Gonçalves, IADE/FA.UTL,
- Lighting Design - New paradigms of Urban Space and User
Lorenzo Secco, Università IUAV di Venezia
- Designing medical devices: Sensibility beyond Science
Demétrio Matos,
- Contribution of design in the development process for medical devices
13h00 :: Lunch
14h00 :: Paralell Sessions
Drawing 4 - ROOM A
Annelies De Smet, Sint-Lucas school of architecture, Belgium
- Le Lit du Hasard
Maria João Félix, IPCA, Department of Design, Portugal
- The Drawing tools for game design and animation
Christine Turner, Liverpool John Moores University, School of Art and Design, UK
- Realising Higher Creative Knowledge through Drawing Practice
Marketing 2 - ROOM B
João Pedro de Lucena, IADE- Portugal
- Measuring Television Content Value From an Advertising Perspective
Narissara Parkvithee & Mário J. Miranda , Victoria University-Australia
- The Interaction Effects of Country-of-Origin, Brand and Purchase Involvement
in Motivating Consumer Preference of Clothing labels
María Pilar Martínez Ruiz, University of Castilla-la-Mancha-Spain; Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta,
University of Burgos-Spain, Agustín Álvarez-Herranz , University of Castilla-la-Mancha-Spain; Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, University of Castilla-la-Mancha-Spain
- Factors Underlying Grocery Store Attributes: Assessing differences between
store brand-prone consumers and manufacturer brand-prone consumers
Social Change 5 - ROOM B
Américo Mateus, Carlos Alves Rosa, IDIMCOM/IADE
- Creative Intelligence methodology Ideas (R)evolution : A proposal for two new
stages of the design thinking process
Miguel Câmara, IADE
- In The Heart Of Change: Social Responsibility And Co-Creation
João Flecha, IADE/FAUTL
- Dynamical Crosscultural Design Approach : designing new project interactions
16h00 :: Coffee Break
16h15 :: Paralell Sessions
Drawing 5 - ROOM A
Mario Minichiello, Birmingham City University, UK,
- Drawing as Visual Communication’
Toni Hildebrandt, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Le plaisir du geste
Graça Magalhães, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
-Drawing as a metaphor for design: drawing as image, project as representation
Ergonomics 1- ROOM B
Álvaro M. Sampaio, António J. Pontes & Ricardo Simões -Institute of Polymers and
Composites IPC/I3N, University of Minho; Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave,
Campus do IPCA
-Ergonomic Evaluation in Product Design for Surgical Instruments Traceability
Luís Teixeira, Emília Duarte, Elisângela Vilar, Francisco Rebelo - Ergonomics Laboratory. FMH/Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal; UNIDCOM/IADE, Lisbon, Portugal
- The Use of Virtual Reality for Design Studies
Lara Reis, Emília Duarte & Francisco Rebelo,
UNIDCOM/IADE, Lisbon, Portugal; Ergonomics Laboratory. FMH/Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Designing inclusive technology-based warnings using a Virtual Reality-based
Paulo Noriega, Elisângela Vilar, Emília Duarte & Francisco Rebelo, Ergonomics Laboratory. FMH/Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal; UNIDCOM/IADE, Lisbon, Portugal
-Affordances in the design of road environments: for better road safety
Teaching Marketing - ROOM C
Luis Manuel Cerdá Suárez & Casimiro Francisco Ramos, ETEA-University of Cordoba, Spain & IADE-Lisbon, Portugal
- Leardership in the Classroom: An Empirical Analysis in Two Countries
Isabel Farinha, IADE-Lisbon, Portugal
- In-school marketing: between social responsibility and commercialism
José Ferro Camacho,
IADE-Lisbon, Portugal
- Current and Promising Research Themes in Marketing: Empirical Approach
18h15 :: End of day two
8th October 2011
UNIDCOM/IADE International Research Conference
Senses&Sensibility in the Right Place
LOCATION :: Experimenta Lounging Space, Antigo Tribunal da Boa Hora, Largo da Boa Hora, at Rua Nova do Almada, Chiado LISBOA
08h30 :: Registration continues
09h30 :: Plenary - ROOM B - Welcome day 3

10h00 :: Paralell Sessions
Ergonomics 2 - ROOM B
Leman Figen Gül, Department of Architecture. TOBB University of Economy and Technology. Sögütözü, Ankara, Turkey
- Studying Affordances of Digital Design Modes
Elisângela Vilar, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega, Luís Teixeira, Emília Duarte & Júlia
Teles, Ergonomics Laboratory. FMH/Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal; UNIDCOM/IADE, Lisbon, Portugal
- The role of path selection in the design of videogame worlds: a pilot study using
Virtual Reality
Leong Yap - Faculty of Design & Creative Technologies, AUT University. Auckland,
New Zealand.
- Ergodesign: Harmonising art and science methods & tools in evidence-based
human-centered system research, design and development
Social Change 6 - ROOM C
Magali Olhats , UFSC/Parsons Paris
- Branding Favela Fashion
Helder Cardoso, UFSC/LOGO
- BRAND LAND: Branding as a factor in recovery and differentiation of territories
Patricia Cecatto, UFSC
- Brandign in Times of Cross-Media: A Glimpse of Graphic Design
Fernando Oliveira, IADE/FA.UTL
- Diagrams&Brands: Contributions And Reflections On The Use Of Diagrams In
The Analysis And Construction Of The Visual Language Of Brands
10h40 :: Coffee Break
11h00 :: Closing :: ROOM A :: Keynote Speakers
Gillo Dorfles & Aldo Colonetti
13h00 :: End of day three