Research Unit in Design and Communication
UNIDCOM/IADE - Research Unit in Design and Communication - Laboratories


The groups’ laboratorial intensity level is diverse, ranging from low to high, but overall the Unit’s level is considered to be on the border line between medium and high, because we have both laboratorial and experimental equipments and components, as well as public archives and national and European data infrastructures. Since we have to select only one option, then we choose medium. At the moment the Unit’s research activities are supported by several laboratories, which provide both theoretical and practical knowledge; such labs are as follows:

(a) Media.Lab which is composed of

    a.1) IADE-UX.Lab: this is a multi inter and transdisciplinary laboratory support unit which is dedicated to conducting User Experience (UX) research, focused on the interaction with digital technology, namely, the topics related to visual perception, attention, cognition and ageing. The Lab aims to study the impact of technology on society, design new solutions and explore the new challenges associated to it.

    a.2) LIVE: this lab is a support unit dedicated to studying a variety of perceptive and cognitive processes which are part of everyday activities and contexts/situations. This unit’s research areas include data/information visualization (e.g., dashboards, infographics, and forms), interface design, packaging design (e.g., nutrition and medicine labels), publicity (e.g., print ads, TV advertisements, and Website ads), wayfinding (e.g., pictograms, signage), retail (e.g., windows and store fronts of shops), etc.

    a.3.) ID.Lab: This lab is dedicated to studying interaction design topics.

    a.4) Photography: This lab is a support unit dedicated to studying topics related to the art, science and restoration of both analogical and digital photography. In particular studio photography (product, fashion, portrait, and publicity), photo journalism, reproductions, post- digital production.

    a.5) Audiovisuals: This lab is dedicated to studying topics related to audiovisuals, namely in the multimedia, audiovisual education and industry, using the Internet, Television and video-library.

    (b) 3D.Lab: this lab is dedicated to exploring and creating new solutions to produce 3D models and prototypes. This lab is equipped with several low and high technology tools and devices ranging from the conventional cutting and assembling machinery to the most recent ultimate 3D printers.

    (c) School Agency Studio.Lab: This support unit is grounded on the idea of creating and regulating a link between the academia and the market. This unit, envisioned as a studio lab, provides students/researchers with a place and a means to develop design-related activities in real work situations/contexts, with real briefings.

    (d) Editorial Center: this unit is dedicated to editing and publishing magazines and books, catalogs, and others.


























IADE-Instituto de Artes Visuais, Design e Marketing | UNIDCOM/IADE | 2014