UNIDCOM/IADE - Research Unit in Design and Communication - Publications / Communications
1. Mapping Design - History, Products, Culture and IdentityPublications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications
CÔRTE-REAL, Eduardo (2010), The Word Design: Early Modern English Dictionaries and Literature on Design, 1604 - 1837, Working Papers on Design, 4, ed. Grace Lees-Maffei, Retrieved from http://sitem.herts.ac.uk/artdes_research/papers/wpdesign/index.html.
CORTE-REAL, E, OLIVEIRA, S (2011). "From Alberti's Virtù to the Virtuoso Michelangelo. Questions on a concept that moved from ethics to aesthetics through drawing" in Rivista de Estetica n.s., 47 (2/2011), anno LI, Disegno, a cura di Roberto Casati, Torino: Rosenber and Sellier, p.83-94.
DILNOT, Clive, Seven Characteristics of Ways of Seeing, Journal of Visual Culture, Volume 11, No 2, August 2012 p.148-151.
DILNOT, Clive, Some Futures for Design History?, The Journal of Design History, Vol. 22, #4, Winter 2009, p. 377-394.
DILNOT, Clive, The Critical in Design: Part One, Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, Vol. I, #2, 2008, pp 177-189 .
LEES-MAFFEI, Grace. 'The Production-Consumption-Mediation Paradigm', Journal of Design History 22: 4 (2009): 351-376. http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/22/4/351.
LEES-MAFFEI, Grace. 'The Man in the White Suit: Alexander Mackendrick (1951)' in 'Forum: Design on Film', Design and Culture 1, no. 2 (2009): 223-5. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/berg/dgcj/2009/00000001/00000002.
SOUTO, Maria Helena (2013), "Design em Portugal (1960-1974): dialéctica entre tradição, modernidade e utopia". Arte & Utopia. Actas do Congresso Internacional. Lisboa: FCSH- Universidade Nova Lisboa.
SOUTO, Maria Helena, MATOS, Ana Cardoso de (2012). "The 19th century World Exhibitions and their photographic memories. Between historicism, exoticism and innovation in architecture". Quaderns d´història de l´enginyeria. Barcelona: Centre de recerca per a la Història de la Tècnica "Francesc Santponç i Roca", Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, vol. XIII,pp. 57-80. http://hdl.handle.net/2099/12871.
Completed PhD theses
LEES-MAFFEI, Grace. Principal Supervisor, Barbara Brownie, PhD (2012) 'The Behaviours of Fluid Characterforms in Temporal Typography,' University of Hertfordshire.
COUTO, Anabela. co-supervision: 2011 - Fábio Mechella - Dotoratto: Storia del viaggio e dell'odeporica in età moderna: "Damião de Góis". Dipartimento di Studi Romanzi- Facoltà di Lingue - Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
SOUTO, Maria Helena. Co-supervisor, João Palla e Carmo Reinas Martins, "O lugar do Desenho na obra de Victor Palla", Doutoramento em Belas-Artes, Especialidade de Ciências da Arte, Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012. http://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/6903.
SOUTO, Maria Helena. Co-supervisor, João Cottinelli Telmo Pardal Monteiro, "Para o Projecto Global - Nove Décadas de Obra Arte, Design e Técnica na Arquitectura do Atelier Pardal Monteiro", Doutoramento em Design, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2012.
CÔRTE-REAL, Eduardo. Principal Supervisor, Sofia Leal Rodrigues, Desenho, Tipografia e Publicidade, O Caso do Modernismo Português, Doutoramento em Belas-Artes, Especialidade de Design de Comunicação, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012.
LEES-MAFFEI, Grace. Co-Supervisor, Susan Hooper, 'The construct of the domestic feminine everyday and its appearance in video art and cultural theory,' P/T Registration 2003-9.
Books and book chapters of international circulation
CORTE-REAL, Eduardo (ed.): The Triumph of Design, O Triunfo do Desenho, Livros Horizonte/UNIDCOM-IADE, Lisboa, 2010.
CÔRTE-REAL, E.: The smooth guide to travel drawing, Lisbon - Livros Horizonte, UNIDCOM-IADE.
DILNOT, C. "The Ethics of Design" in Design Studies: a Reader, edited by David Brody and Hazel Clark (Berg, London, May 2009) pp. 180-190.
LEES-MAFFEI, G., "Small Change? Emily Post's Etiquette", in Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers, ed. S. Churchwell and T. Ruys-Smith, 217-248, (London: Continuum, 2012).
LEES-MAFFEI, G., "Dressing the Part(y): 1950s Domestic Advice Books and the Studied Performance of Informal
Conference proceedings
CÔRTE-REAL, Eduardo: Francisco d'Hollanda's Sciencia do Desegno, Introduction of the Italian 'Disegno' in Portugal, during the Sixteenth Century in ICDHS - International Conference of Design History and Design Studies 2008 OSAKA, 24-28 O October 2008.
Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introduction and commentary)
VILAS-BOAS, Armando (Dir.) (2013). O Pesadelo António Quadros: Seis aventuras visuais a partir deste conto. Bruxelas: Orfeu.
Edited special issues of journals, with substantial research input on the part of the researcher
JÜRGENS, Sandra Vieira, Miguel Palma: Densidade e Pedro dos Reis: Sometimes the best way to find something is to move away from it ?catálogo?. Vila do Conde: Solar - Galeria de Arte Cinemática, 2012.
Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, essays in collections
MATOS, A. Cardoso de; DEMEULENAERE-DOUYÈRE, C.; SOUTO, M.H. (2012). "Introduction", Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria. Barcelona: Centre de recerca per a la Història de la Tècnica "Francesc Santponç i Roca", Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, vol. XIII, pp. 3-10. http://hdl.handle.net/2099/12867.
Other categories, including web-based resources; video and audio recordings (to the extent that they embody research)
Online Journal: The Radical Designist, http://www.iade.pt/designist/
The smooth blog to travel drawing, http://eduardocortereal.wordpress.com/
Portal Arte Capital, http://www.artecapital.net/home.php
CÔRTE-REAL, Eduardo. The Frost Art Museum Drawing Project, Project Space, Travel & Drawing: http://drawingproject.frostartmuseum.org/project-space/
Performances and exhibitions to the extent that they embody research
CÔRTE-REAL, Eduardo. Graphic Diaries, Perspicacity and Neutrality in Daily Drawing, Drawing Spaces, March 2009. http://drawingspacesen.weebly.com/archives.html.
Other research outputs
CAMACHO, J. (2012), Market Evolution, ISTMA WORLD 2012 GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Lyon, France, 19th April 2012.
Organisation of scientific dissemination activities
CORTE-REAL, E. Co- Chair 40IADE40, 5th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference, 5-7th Oct 2011, Lisbon. 57 papers selected by double-blind peer review. Co-convened with Carlos Duarte and Fernando Carvalho Rodrigues.
Projects funded in national and international competitive calls
FCT project PTDC/EAT-HAT/121601/2010: Design em Portugal (1960-1974): acções, intervenientes e repercussões do Núcleo de Arte e Arquitectura Industrial e do Núcleo de Design Industrial do Instituto Nacional de Investigação Industrial (I.N.I.I.) [Design in Portugal (1960 - 1974): the actions, actors and repercussions of the Art, Industrial Architecture and Industrial Design Nucleio f the National Institute of Industrial Reasearch (I.N.I.I.) Investigador Responsável: Maria Helena Souto (ongoing).