UNIDCOM/IADE - Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação - Publicações / Comunicações
3. IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION - Sistema Holístico Multidimensional para a Inovação das Empresas e do Desenvolvimento dos TerritóriosPublicações em jornais científicos com peer review e/ou outras publicações
PEREIRA, M., Azevedo, S., Ferreira, J., Miguel, R. and Pedroso, V. (2009) The Relationship between Apparel Attributes and Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour, International Journal of Management Cases, 11 (2): 17-29. [Indexed in Cabell Publishing], Indexed in EBSCO, Official journal of the Centre for International Research Consumers, Locations and their Environments (CIRCLE) Research Centre. Online in ingentaconnectTM: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?option1=tka& value1=The+Relationship+between+Apparel+Attributes+and+Advertising+on+Consumer+Buying+Behaviour&sortDescending=true&sortField=default&pageSize=10&index=1
JUNGINGER, S. (2012). "The Chile Miner Rescue-a Human-Centred Design Reflection," Design Journal, Vol. 15 (2): 169-182.
PEREIRA, Madalena., Azevedo, S., Ferreira, J., Miguel, R. and Pedroso, V. (2010), The Influence of Personal Factors on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Fashion, International Journal of Management Cases, 12 (2): [Indexed in Cabell Publishing] Indexed in EBSCO; Official journal of the Centre for International Research Consumers, Locations and their Environments (CIRCLE) Research Centre; Online in ingentaconnectTM: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?option2=author&value2=MADALENA+PEREIRA&sortDescending=true&sortField=default&pageSize=10&index=9
AZEVEDO, Susana; Pereira, Madalena; Ferreira, João and Pedroso, Vilma; Consumer Buying behaviour in Fashion Retailing: Empirical Evidencies; Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11908/ MPRA - Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 11908, posted 03. December 2008 / 13:35.
Teses de doutoramento concluídas
ROSA, Carlos Alves (2012). Doctoral Thesis: "Dispositivo Always On Monitor de la Calidad de Servicio para la Modelización Sincrónica de la Satisfacción en Diálogo Diacrónico". Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Depart. Economía de la Empresa. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Vicálvaro, Madrid
Livros e capítulos de livros de circulação internacional
AZEVEDO, Susana, Madalena Pereira, João Ferreira & Rui Miguel, (2010), Chapter 5: Factors that Influence the Clothes' Buying Decision, International Book chapter: Fashion Marketing & Theory, Editor Gianpaolo Vignali, pages 55-63, ISBN 978-0-9562471-1-7, Edited by Gianpaolo Vignale & Claudio Vignale, Published by Access Press UK, 1 Hillside Gardens, Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 2NJ, UK. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?option2=author&value2=MADALENA+PEREIRA&sortDescending=true&sortField=default&pageSize=10&index=3
Artigos em livros de atas de conferências
MATEUS, Américo; Rosa, Carlos Alves (2013). "Living Lab: experience building a brand through co-creation." EDCOM. IADE. Maio 2013. http://www.eacaeducation.eu/PageFromDb.aspx?page=Conference2013_presentations (apresentado).
MATEUS, Américo;Rosa, Carlos Alves et all (2013). "A methodology for appraisal and validation of User Centered Open Innovation Programs: a case study critical analysis of an energy supplier co-creative innovation program" DRS/CUMULUS em Oslo. 14‐17 Maio. http://www.hioa.no/eng/About-‐HiOA/Fakultet-‐for-‐teknologi-‐kunst-‐sog-‐design/DRS-‐CUMULUS-‐Oslo-‐2013/Program/Program-‐PDF (apresentado) .
MATEUS, Américo(2013). "Communication and co-‐creation -‐ EDP case study" e Speaker convidado da conferência Multi-‐mania ExpoKortrijk na Bélgica. 13 e 14 de Maio. http://www.multi-‐mania.be/13/speakers/ (apresentado).
RIBAS GOMEZ, LS; Mateus, AM; Cardoso,H; Rosa, CA (2012). The Brand DNA Process approach applied to region of Alvito, Portugal. Cumulus Conference "Projecting Design 2012: Global Design Bridge", Cumulus Association, Aalto University and DuocUC. November, Santiago, Chile.
MATEUS, AM; Leonor, S (2012). "Contribution to the integration of parametric processes as a method in conceptual and creative Design". Proceedings CUMULUS conference, Santiago, Chile.
Novos materiais, dispositivos, produtos e processos
The methodology IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION itself is a fundamental validated research finding that constitutes a full a new holistic innovation process, based on design thinking and creativity techniques
Software, código informático e algoritmos
IDEASCLOUD Collaborative software has developed by IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION and used in all projects implemented
Artigos de edições especiais de jornais científicos, com relevância para a investigação da parte do investigador
TRAVADO, L. e REIS, J. C. (2013), Breast cancer meanings: a cognitive‐developmental study. Psycho-Oncology.doi:10.1002/pon.3246. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pon.3246/abstract (publicado).
Outras categorias, incluindo recursos da internet, gravações vídeo e áudio (relacionados com a investigação)
IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION develop a web based platform for collaboration and co-creation. Also it become a co-creation online community.
Outros outputs da investigação
MATEUS, A. (2012) Speaker at Communication and Co-creation - Multi-mania Kortrijk Belgium 13 May.
Contratos de investigação com entidades nacionais e internacionais
MATEUS, AM; Rosa, CA; Leonor, S; Loureiro, AL; (2012). User Centered Innovation Program - Diagnóstico, Co-criação, Estratégia e Experimentação. ERSE, PPEC 2011-2012: Medida "Painel de consumidores em redes inteligentes", under contract for EDP Serviço Universal, Portugal.
Reference: IDEA(R)EVOLUTION - Alvito - Start Date : 06/01/2010. End Date: 26-06.2011. Funding: 25,000 euro. Proponent Entity: Municipality of Alvito. Participating Institutions: UNIDCOM and IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION responsible investigator Américo Mateus, Salomão Ribas Gomez and Carlos Alves Rosa.
Contratos de investigação com entidades nacionais e internacionais
Reference : IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION - Chennai. Start Date: 01/06/2011. End Date: 01/06/2012. Funding Granted: + NSRF Programme Centre Proponent Entity: AIRO and City Council of Caldas da Rainha. Participating Institutions Network Project: AIRO Industrial Association Region WEST UNIDCOM/IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION Researchers in charge: Américo Mateus and IPL (Leiria Polytechnic) and Give U Design Art.